Mini Bouquets of Wax Melts


Mini Bouquets of Rose & Lavender Wax Melts

Beautiful handmade mini bouquets each filled with six pink Rose and Lavender Wax Melts.

Choose from Mother’s Day bouquets with rose shaped melts and a ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ sticker or Valentine’s bouquets with heart shaped wax melts and a wooden ‘Love’ embellishment.

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Mini Bouquets of Rose & Lavender Wax Melts

Beautiful handmade mini bouquets each filled with six pink Rose and Lavender Wax Melts.

Choose from Mother’s Day bouquets with rose shaped melts and a ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ sticker or Valentine’s bouquets with heart shaped wax melts and a wooden ‘Love’ embellishment.

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Mother's Day, Valentine's

Handmade Crackling Candles & Gifts

Our candles are made with premium grade wax blends and the finest quality fragrance oils